By Julie H.
Twas the 4th of December, and all through the plane
The Bleyers were packed in travel bags with care
It was hard to stay nestled all snug in a seat
With punk gear intact and attitudes on hand
When at thousands of feet there arose such a clatter
The pilot had turned off the buckle-up light
Away to the isles we scrambled about
Between seats, by the restrooms...we didn't care
Then over the intercom, the pilot of the flight
We gazed out the windows, our breath taken away
The touch down signaled it, "Yes, we're here!"
As the door swung open, they exited us all
When, what to our wondering eyes should appear
And Marc right there waiting, familiar face with a smile
With a welcome sign in hand and waiting in coats
With open arms, from all over they came
"Now Mary! Now Kevin! Now Helena! and Jodi!"
"On Lindy hoppers... on we go..."
Monday snuck up on us, say it isn't so
It's six in the morning and we're saying good-bye
With memories of the weekend still fresh on our mind
From "the weekend" we all were loooooving and thought was the best
A few dozed off as we took to the air
Others too tired, starred off in a daze
With visions of birthday dances floating about
Could it really be monday, it went by so fast
The dance that we love, the hop that can melt
Twas that first weekend of December, we'll never forget
You opened your home and you opened your heart
So SF Lindy hoppers, we want to thankyou again |