
Arthur and Colette pose before a morning of sightseeing and shopping.

Some of us spent way too much time at Johnny Rockets waiting to meet Mary and Young-Jin. (left to right: Erik, Kevin, Gimi, Kristen, Margot)

Too much time spent waiting, always leads to a spontaneous dance or two. (Margot and Arthur)

More dancing at Johnny Rockets. (Margot and James)

Giving up on Young-Jin and Mary, this group of day-trippers left Johnny Rockets and set forth on a morning of sight-seeing. (Erik, Gimi, Arthur, Kevin, Margot, James)

The Day Trippers made several scenic stops along the way. (Gimi, Margot, Corey, Kevin)

The Day Trippers stop for a bite to eat before heading over to Mike Lin's potluck (smart, huh?). (Arthur, Margot, Erik, James, Gimi)

Margot and Corey share a romantic moment by the bridge. YOINK!

Ken and Jen get their groove on at Mike's potluck.

James and Colette appear to be deep in conversation.

Gina dances with our gracious host, Mike.

Gina and Arthur cuddle up to observe Mike's bash.

Who knew Mike's carpet stains were so interesting!

After Mike's we went to the Doghouse. Here's Anna-Marie, Amy and their friends at the Doghouse.

Here's another of Anna-Marie's pictures from the Doghouse.
After the Doghouse, we headed over to Spencer's for late-night dancing!